Monday, April 17, 2006

out and about

today I was at the bean, I often have my own funny accent days. Today I was reading the Globe, and saw someone sorting thru the remaining papers, I jokingly leaned over and pronounced in my AWFUL brit impression "well then, will you have a go with this section?" To which came the full and REAL accented reply, "no thank you, I'll be having the Toronto Star if it can be found." Bah!!

The boats are going in the water.

I saw some suspiciously dandelion-like flowers the other day... and today I FOUND real dandelions.

I passed a tree stump that was leaking sap, a giant puddle of it sat on the stump, and the ground around it was saturated.... when does a tree discover it's dead?

I've had an image floating around in my head since yesterday, I was listening to Vinyl Cafe, and some singer (Ian someone?) sang a song about living in a great lake town. The song was about the idea of a "lake rise" we have sun rise, moon rise... and when you head toward the lake, the horizon reaches up higher and higher, till lake and sky are kissing above you... I walked toward the lake today and enjoyed it.

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