Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Frogs come in the spring?

again, no frogs and no princes. But I managed to make it thru (my favorite coinage for the occasion) "Singles Awareness Day" (Ok, seriously, I laughed long and loud at that one) with only mild bitterness and loneliness. Spent with some good friends and a hefty plate-o-ribs, all in all it was a great night.
I think I was somehow able to coerce J into taking ballroom dance lessons with me!!!! Finally, someone willing to waltz! He did however, follow up the offer of partnership in said program with a look of terror... a gulp and a meek "how much is this going to cost?". (Looking up prices as I blog) (no fear, prices are listed per couple!)
we've missed the first three classes, but spring sessions should be just around the corner....
guessing that J is hopeful a new partner will magically appear and rescue him from this. Poor muffin
Any willing candidates?

ok, I'm going to sound so incredibly small town on this one.

My Dad has been seeing this lady. She's great, I REALLY like her. But here's the deal... My hairdresser's friend saw her showing someone a new ring, and the two (the nice lady and her friend) were all excited. Now, I didn't even get this information FROM my hairdresser, she passed it along to my friend to ask me what was going on.
So I call my dad this morning... "dad" says I "anything new and exciting?" "Not that I can think of right now" He replies. "Soooo, how was your valentines day?" says I "oh, it was very nice, I got to use my new candlestick holders". That's it!!!!!! nothing more!!!!!!! So. Now what do I do?
comments appreciated

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