Friday, May 26, 2006

cheek puff

I want an otter.


Crilly said...

For you

Nixie's Mom said...

They are cute...I don't have one. But I do have 6 6day old kittens...they are cute too!! (You can see them on my blog - in a moment I haven't posted yet!)

Anonymous said...

So you like otters, eh? It just so happens a man stopped by my place a fort night ago with a whole slew of otters. Big ones, little ones, short ones, tall ones, cute ones and even very cute ones. If my lady wants an otter all she has to do is catch a plane to Huatulco and come see me! Really, anytime you want, you're more than welcome to a free place to stay and all the otters you can eat! I mean cuddle.
Take care Lady,