Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Though he's a little swollen in the nether regions, Fynn Pants has returned home, safe and sound.
I trundled him off to the vet's yesterday morning before work, took my "lunch out" and picked him up... delivered him home, then back to work. I did however make the mistake? of leaving him in the cat carrier cage... and didn't put him back into his own cage... I wondered about maybe making sure he wasn't exerting himself... running around .. blah blah blah..
Then part way thru the afternoon I thought to myself.... "shoot! there's no litter box!" (inside the carrier) The second I got home I got him out and stuck him straight away into the litter box... all was well with the world.

Now, if only I could figure out how to get the meds INTO his mouth.


Anonymous said...

Hey Norty, here's how to do eet.

Take the pill between your thumb and index fingers of your right hand (or left if you're left-handed).

Grab kitteh by the scruff with your left hand and pull him up on his hind legs with his head slighty back.

Open mouf with your middle finger (right hand) and pop pill inside.

Holding mouf closed, put the cat back on his four legs, and start rubbing his throat to trigger swallowing.

Let him go but moniter him to make sure it worked. It usually works for me but sometimes he didn't swallow it and drops it on the floor. I'm usually able to do this alone and in 30 seconds.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait, I just rememberred it's a bunny, not a cat. You could try it anyway? Or ask your vet to show you how it's done.