So today I had to do quite a bit of driving for work.. We went to go see the quack (it's about an hours' drive from work)... While we drove, even though it was really windy (and friggin cold!) outside, the sun was shining... the perfect thing to make me a little drowsy. No fears, I didn't fall asleep at the wheel (too afraid to let that happen... sniff sniff... Remember poor Gus and what happened to him because of a sleep driver?) (no? oh, ask me about him sometime)
SO, I'm driving along.
And I pass the Northumberland Recycle Plant... (waste recovery facility?) And I got to thinking... do they use recycle bins in their lunch rooms? Or just carry it back to work?
I like the idea of posting random words. Unfortunatly for our society, you'd probably get a lot more hits if your random words were something along the lines of "Britney Spears love child."
Interesting thought.. I checked with my sis, and the answer is yes, they do have Recycle bins in their lunchroom/cafeteria. but a lot of the staff there usually just takes their "stuff" to its appropriate line.
(P.S. my magic word is : "AOOFRAH" and I don't understand yiddish)
hahaaha! thanks travwho...
I didn't know your sis worked there!
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