Sunday, February 26, 2006

tribute to Stewart, because 22 mins shouldn't have all the fun

imagine the disappointment on my face and in my heart...

Friday, I rode my bike in the sunlight,
rays of silver flashing from my classy streamers....
chain rattling in the cool air.
like the rattle I heard when the cows broke thru the fence that one year, and they came after me and my friends.
Wind messing my hair,
but giving me that fantastic rosey glow that I can't seem to find in any bottle......
where was I?
That day I rode my bike to the Bean to meet with some Sheffs for coffee...
and I decided that the sunshine was so great, and my need for vitamin D so strong.. that I was to go directly to the skatepark after work saturday- with my blades.
It's something I've been thinking about for awhile... one of those things that I'm sure I will be able to do, I've willed it into my mind that I am capable of doing fancy things on those ramps. jumps without falling, turns and skids.
I willed into my mind that I could blow smoke rings... and with my first cigar, on my first puff, it became reality.

I've just yet to try this on something bigger. I think maybe those ramps will be the proof.
Like when you practice a piece of music till it's killing you and you've killed it ... flogged it... and you go "sleep on it"... and can play it perfectly the next day... yeah.. I've been training my mind for the skatepark.

so again... imagine my disappointment when Saturday morn' I opened my door to head to work, and found the front steps to be the home of a snowdrift so high, I couldn't just jump over it, I had to take the shovel to it... and my further disappointment when I realized, that wasn't just because of a few blowing and drifting flakes... because somewhere in the blizzard that was stabbing me in the eyes. lay my car. and the street. and the rest of the neighborhood... which had become invisible in the storm.


T said...

welcome to Canada...where the weather changes every 10 minutes

L.Bo Marie said...

um.. the point was McLean... not weather.



LStew said...

next time i see you will it be on tv at the x-gmes?

Dalton said...

I see that your hero position has been vacant for weeks. Can I make a suggestion? ME?