Wednesday, September 20, 2006

that's dumb

I just saw a picture of someone wearing a shirt in Uganda that said "Mazoongu"
That's dumb.
If you're going to try to change things for the better by being there.... then try doing things for the better instead of engouraging dumbness.
(pet peeve) (I nearly made a shirt that said "my name is not Mazoongu" while I was there)

I found this great Luganda Language site... so You'd have a translation of "mazoongu". Unfortunatly there's no translation for that, but it was fun going thru the vocab lists to see what I still remembered. Go google it, maybe something'll come up.
Choka Bambi!


L.Bo Marie said...

ok, let me reiterate...
it's not mean, it's not sarcasim, it's just a dumb way of thinking... to go around calling every white person you've ever met "Ghost" and using that as their name? OR to refer to someone you know who is white as "my ghost" that's DUMB. And rude. I don't go around calling people by one random word.
I know I'm more offended as I'm from a culture that tries to think it's against racism, so when things like that are said, immidiatly my racism flag goes up... I'm not offened by it being a racist term, it just makes the person using the term look like an idiot to the rest of the world, why don't we encourage the users of the word (and the other words like it) to develop a broader world view??????

Beth said...

the difference my lady, is that you have the power to say,"I don't like that".
What we "ghosts" need to try out for a while is hating what we are called, and not breathing a word about it.