Friday, July 30, 2004

expanding minds

so I learned a new word this morning, and with it opened all new ideas of, well, really, just how amazing our world really is.  
ethnomusicologist : Main Entry: eth·no·mu·si·col·o·gy Pronunciation: "eth-nO-"myü-zi-'kä-l&-Function: noun1 : the study of music that is outside the European art tradition  2 : the study of music in a sociocultural context- eth·no·mu·si·co·log·i·cal /-k&-'lä-ji-k&l/ adjective- eth·no·mu·si·col·o·gist /-'kä-l&-jist/ noun 

 now, how then does this word show me that we live in such an amazing world? The fact that we can specialize in some of the neatest things (in this example music and ethnicity- a study in anthro) and get payed for it!( ethnomusicologist in action here.) (Not only that, but the person from this example is a christian... so throw in so thology for good measure.... whoa baby!)

ug, again I've realised that I've got entirely too much work to keep typing... grrr


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