Thursday, December 16, 2004


Ok, so tomorrow marks the last morning that I wake up in Togo… lol, today that sounds like a great idea, I’d forgotten how HUMID it is down here in Lome! When we arrived yesterday my hair was straight, but by the time I’d carried my bags to my room it was curly… go figure!
I spent my last day in Kara being a tourist, taking pictures, visiting the market, practicing my bad Kabye at the centre… the day went by pretty quickly. It was hard to say good bye to people… I hate good byes!!! Marv drove me down to Lome, and Lisa came too, so I had to do goodbyes with the rest of the family back in Kara… I am going to miss that family… let me tell you!
So, is there anyone interested in putting together a team to do the kid/teen program this summer? Let me know SERIOUSLY. It’s two weeks of VBS stuff (so a three week trip- gotta factor in travel time etc) in the end part of July. A wide age group, the parents who are missionaries with SIL/Wycliffe have their Spiritual retreat/conference, and they need a group to do child care/VBS/Youth group while it’s on. Email me if you want some more info.
Ug, I can’t remember all the things I wanted to write today….
Check out Brian and Christy’s website if you get the chance. They’ve got some great pictures and stories of their time here. They are a young couple (ok, the ONLY people my age who speak English) working as teachers for another group of missionary families. They are amazing, and I kick myself a little each day for not getting to know them sooner. They arrived around the same time that I did, and they are staying for the full school year, pray for them when you remember!
Well, I’m not feeling so articulate this morning,
Labi jet (see you tomorrow)Les

1 comment:

Joey said...

Lesley, it's been a refreshing treat to read about your progress in Togo. I am very impressed with you (not that I wasn't before) and your work. At the risk (actually the certainty) of sounding cliche, you will be rewarded. Take me next time? And convince Annette for me? I'll sell you tomatoes and exotic produce if you say yes! In a dress! And I'll carry it to your car on my head!