Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Like a princess

Did you have a good Christmas? I had a good Christmas. Santa was very generous this year... Did you know that there was such a thing as a wind-up flashlight? How handy! I'll never need to buy batteries again! Now.. If only dear Maggie would make such a creation! *sigh* soon and very soon I imagine.
So, I had the pleasure of working Christmas morning. Where would the pleasure be in that you might ask?
I got to watch the guys open all their Christmas gifts!!!! How fun!
AND this year we had a little extra money around I guess, because the gifts were a-piled high!
At one point Mr. R turned to me (as I put yet another gift in front of him) and said "I can't keep up with Santa" Then he shook his head in disbelief... I laughed.

ok, so I'd forgotten the joys of creating links to web-sites... Please forgive me until I get it out of my system!

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