Thursday, November 02, 2006

big to little

Hello people...
ok, I'll wrte fast, because I can type, so long as I don't look at the screen... and so long as I don't try to read what I've written... the drugs that are still in my system have messed my brain up just enough that words don't seem to make sense. Text messages.. if they COULD be recieved in this cell free land that I'm staying in (an aside:: the sheff family is the most amazing family in the world for taking in yet another stray- I am being nursed well) are hard to read and they are only one or two lines long! I even tried to play puzzle pirates... and I can't because when the words show up over the pictures..... I can't see the pictures... and I can't decipher the words.
Just say no to drugs kiddies
which are good? which are bad?

So yes, I'm healing.
I'm pretty slow witteded.
Showering causes me to want to fall over from lack of energy
and I fall asleep easily.
for many hours at a time.
apparently that's what major surgery does to you.

no I don't know how many stiches... I'll ask the doctor today. too many for me to count anyway. maybe she kept a running tally, but then again, I'm guessing she lost count too. stopping now... I looked at the words. now I'm confused again.
love ya!
not using spell check, be forgiving.


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. Enjoy the drugs for all too soon you will be tapered off them.

Anonymous said...

love for you my small friend.

megsheff said...

blog title.

i love it.