Monday, February 25, 2008

Bunday Monday

better late than never.

I've been trying to get a shot of Goobery McGoobersons while he spits meds all over me... but I'm finding that all I want to do is get it in him, and get him back on the ground as quick as possible. He gave a mighty grunt and tried to thump while he was on my lap tonight, so now we're setting up special "let me sit and heap love on you" sessions, so he doesn't forget that there is some love for him deep down somewhere...deep... deep.... somewhere.

Him, beat from the fight..... Me, beat from the fight.....
(note the goo all over me... and not him)


DK & The Fluffies said...

Ahahahahahahahaha, sorry... Bad bunny... Ahahahahahahahahahahaha

The Bunns said...

Bunn 1, Parsley 0.