Tuesday, February 05, 2008


ok, so I'm doing an interview...

and I've got a few ideas, but now I turn to you... What is something that you want to know about someone you've never met before?

If you were doing an interview with a stranger.... what's the first thing you'd ask them?
Keep in mind, this is a blogger, used to sharing the random bits and pieces online with whomever'd care to read it.
I want to send this person their questions this evening, so act now!

stupid spell check.


Northumberland Independent said...

I think I would ask them:

"If you were to meet one person from the past or present for a dinner conversation, who would it be? and what you would eat?"

L.Bo Marie said...

oh! I like that one! Thanks Kyle :)

RG said...

Ask them what is the worst thing that ever happened to them.