Friday, February 08, 2008

.... wishful

well, that's decided it then, I'm moving out of the country. Probably back to Africa.
How great would it be if that was true???

believe it or not, leaving our last apartment WASN'T the end of the crazy landlord! We found an envelope in our mailbox (at our new home) on Wednesday that had been hand delivered... from... yes... her.
It appears that she is now holding our post dated cheques and our rent receipts ransom.
How great would it be if that WASN'T true???

Yup... a letter stating that we needed to deliver the gas bill in person to her husband at his place of work. And a copy of a tenancy agreement... with the part about giving 60 days notice circled and starred. I'm pretty sure that 16 degree weekends and daytimes cancel out any holdings to any sort of tenancy agreement (we only gave them 46? days.... but moved out after 30) ... though they did start entering the place without our permission before we moved completely out...... anyway, once we delivered the gas bill to him he would give us the post dated cheques and receipts.
yeah... no.
I was done yesterday after 9pm.... he wasn't going to be at his work at that hour, so now it sits in their mailbox. with a note that says "sorry I missed you at work" and another letter asking for our receipts and cheques AND a S.A.S.E to make it easier for them.

But, on a happier note. Our new house is great.
Though the landlord is putting the house back on the market 3 months earlier than she said she was.

Did I mention I'm leaving the country?


RG said...

The bunns ... are they Fynn and 'Touf? Do they diapprove of that horrid landlord?

L.Bo Marie said...

to clarify... moved out after 30, but paid all utilities up to the end of the month, (the 46? days) and rent.