Thursday, May 01, 2008

better than TV

So, last night I finished up at the Volunteer Marche earlier than I'd expected, and had time to head over to GTM for dinner.
I was greeted at the main doors by A.

A.was carrying something in her hand... a jug.

A jug of milk.
Frozen milk.

A.was cackling trying to show me the jug, and little Flower was jumping up and down yelling "did you see it yet?" "It's so gross!" I tried to take a look.. but they were laughing so hard it took a second for the jug to steady.
I couldn't really figure it out at first... it was frozen milk... what was so gross about that? was it fermented frozen milk? I didn't get it... and then... I saw it.

it's little ears just peeking out of the milk... it's furry head barely breaking the surface. I was fascinated... for a bit. Can you imagine... if you were a cat? how amazing this would look to you?

I'm afraid of that fridge. You never know what you're going to find in there. And... I'm now thankful I only eat/drink things that are still in their original containers while I'm there...

It got better... err... stranger. A. decided she wanted to free the little guy from his frozen prison ("a modern day encino man!" someone said) so... she did what anyone else would do... (um... ok, actually.. no, I don't think anyone would have done this) She poured hot coffee on the mouse.
Moccamousicino anyone?

And then... not getting the results she was hoping for.... set the whole thing on the baseboard heater. (At this point I was trying not to throw up my scalloped potatoes and ham).

And yes.. it got stranger... we had a funeral. And I spoke at it.
And most of the evening I was just laughing....


Percipia said...

I waited all day for this post. I started laughing all over again.


L.Bo Marie said...

hahahaha... I only just realized that today actually still is Thursday.... it's going to be one of those weeks I suppose?

RG said...

I waited all day for this post????

Eeerkkkk .....

Reminds me of the old joke about the Indian who drank so much tea he drowned in his Tee .... oh forget it ...

ilex said...

Oh goodness. That is just... wow. It's the little frozen ears poking above the milk that really got to me.

Amy said...

Woah. I'm speechless. :-D Mousicle. Mmmmm.

ilex said...

Ok, so I just gotta know- what did this smell like once it defrosted?

RG said...

NOOOOO .. she does NOT want to know what it smelled like. Don't tell ... please ....

Beth said...

OK, so nobody told me about what I had missed - until just before I saw these photos.
We are never ever using anything that comes out of that fridge ever ever ever again.
I've got a little bit of throwup in my mouth right now just thinking about it....