Saturday, December 20, 2008

odds and sods

1) it was VERY cold out. It's warming up a bit now with the storm getting closer... but it was so cold it couldn't snow. Instead, when I went outside (and it was near -20)  there wasn't snow.. it was more like being in a snow globe... the kind with sparkles in it. Not big enough to be flakes... not big enough to really even be seen... just enough to glisten... lovely.

2) My new official uniform of winter. My super comfy jean skirt (down to my toes- it acts like a tent keeping heat in- and works really well if I happen to stand over a vent...) with long johns and wool socks (with the socks pulled over the long johns so no draft gets to my ankles)
BEST outfit ever.

3) I whacked my knuckles making my bed yesterday. Insignificant at first glance, bloody mess the next second... one of those small cuts that bleeds and bleeds. It's more like a small scoop of skin pulled from my knuckle. In itself, that's not very interesting... mostly annoying each time I put my hand in my pocket to pull out my keys (which is often at work). BUT... I have a very tiny freckle on that knuckle. So tiny, and right in the crease- that sometimes I forget I have it and end up spending time trying to wash the dirt mark off my hand. Little Freckle has been scooped out of my knuckle. I'm excited to see if the cell memory is so deep that it comes back when my knuckle heals.. or if it's lost forever.
Someone remind me after Christmas to give an update.

4) Elven footwear. (more on this after Christmas)

5) I went to the 'Worth (tiny town North East of The 'Burg) today for an outing with work... and I've decided that somehow I need to live there.

6) This week I recognized, after doing some number crunching.. that at my current rate of pay- Unless I have two jobs- I will never be able to purchase a house. I am however a little frustrated with how much energy (emotional and otherwise) it takes, maintaining two jobs. And I'm REALLY not looking forward to tax time... because it looks like I've earned so much on paper... then I nearly started crying thinking about people I know who don't have jobs... or who are cut back in hours... or the single moms... or minimum wage earners... I'm not nearly the "working poor" ... but I just don't know HOW they do it!

7) Elven footwear. No really... I was weeping I was laughing so hard. (seriously, more after Christmas)

8) Very very sadly... The Good Lovelies' concert was cancelled due to the storm last night. Little Buddy and TravWho think that they don't really exist ... and that I've made them up- last year we bought tickets for a concert of theirs... and there was a storm... and it was cancelled. Mother Nature... you suck.

9) I should be sleeping.


Northumberland Independent said...

I was going to try to track you down to see if you want to grab some hot chocolate sometime...or maybe a skate on the new rink....let me know.

Nixie's Mom said...

you make your bed? I had you figure for the throw-and-go type!

L.Bo Marie said...

NI, yes please!
I'm working up to and including Christmas eve, sometime before new year sound good?

RG said...

Be kind to your mother there ... she can REALLY trash you if she wants!!!!

Anxious to hear about the knuckle.

About the jobs and house ... if you don't take care of yourself you are not much good for others.

Percipia said...

That snow on the ground Saturday morning was unreal! Never seen anything so perfect. Like Disney snow.

I felt like a vandal.

As for the skirt, I look forward to seeing you skim along the ground - feet hidden, like a duck in a pond.

Like a Dalek!

Deb Cushman said...

Freckle memory -- now there's a thought! We'll be anxiously awaiting an update. (My Freckles bun definitely has a memory for where the food is kept!)

I scraped a knuckle a couple of weeks ago. Just a single layer of skin rubbed off -- hardly bled at all. It took forever to heal and looked really ugly! I feel your pain!

Have a very Merry Christmas!