Sunday, July 31, 2005

to each his own

Friday morning I was taking one of the guys I support at work to his day placement. We were driving along, playing "volkswagon" (the dumbest game EVER created... you see one and you yell "VOLKSWAGON" and count it... the person who get's to 10 first wins... generally, but mostly we let this guy win otherwise he gets grumpy and everything just goes down hill from there) and talking about being healthy. This guy, let's call him "Harvey", turns to me, and with a look of sadness on his face asks me why he needs to take medication. This opens up the discussion to taking care of ourselves, and helping our bodies function to the best of their God-given ability, by exercise ect ect.... Harvey then asks me if he'll need to take medications his whole life... he's looking pretty dejected by this point... I answer, but to make him feel a little better, I add that lot's of people take medications for long periods of time, and that even I take some meds. Harvey asks me if it's for high blood pressure, I say no, but also that it's a pretty personal question....
Then he sits back, wrinkles his forehead in worry and concern and says:

You're handicapped aren't you Lesley? It'll be ok.

I managed to say "we're all handicapped in our own way buddy"...

but in trying hard not to drive off the road... I miss seeing two more volkswagons....
"V-V-Vuh-Vuh-Vuh-Vuh VOLKSWAGON!!!!!!! that's 19 for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

I'm now at the point where, when driving down the street by myself, I yell volkswagon when I see one.
I HATE that game.

1 comment:

T said...

Volkswagon...motorcycle...ahhhhh....i do it in the work van all the time...doesn't matter if I'm working at the other house...I blame 'Hopkings' for this one...

unless we drive by the dealership in Whitby...where the volkswagon and Harley Davidson are side by side...