Saturday, June 07, 2008


"I don't care what people you're from.... that's funny"

I have no idea what that was in reference to tonight, but I was laughing too hard already by that point for it to even matter.

Work was rough today... one of the guys is having a hard time... which translates into a lot of emotional energy to support him. Cross reference that to a emotionally .. um.. distanced? co worker... and you get me giving more than I have an needing a drink.
Not that I turn to drink after a hard day.

Today was the busker's festival... much better than last years, last year I couldn't find any buskers. Although, last years wasn't nearly as bad as the winter fair.. where they closed most of main street for a street hockey game... This year, there were buskers, I even caught a show. 

It was HOT. It's been frickin' hot the past two days... nearly got up to 40 yesterday, and I heard 38 quoted a few times today. 

I spent the evening down at the park by the beach with some friends. We were all lounged out in our chairs, sweating after a large BBQ dinner, when out of NO WHERE... the wind changes directions..... and I kid you not... the temperature dropped 15 degrees. Maybe 20. In a matter of ten seconds we went from sweat to frost. At first I thought little buddy had taken up smoking... then I realized I could see his breath.

I've never experienced anything like that before. Thankfully MamaWho had some extra sweaters, and we bundled against the cold best we could.

Where's ma'touque?

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