Thursday, June 09, 2005

More B.S.

coming soon....

quick thoughts though...
~small crash helmets for concussed squeeee-rails
~maybe a great big fluorescent vest for me
~haunted ghost walk in town.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing the new helmets soon in pet stores everywhere or at least Dollarama. As for the fluorescent vest won't that make it more difficult to go stalking? However, this may put an end to your stalking days err I mean nights and perhaps one for your friend too. She says she is not a professional stalker but who out there admits to it? And another thing if your out stalking how are you ever going to get that helmet on the market? The squeee-rails are depending on you! How many must suffer before you come to their rescue? PLEASE SAVE THE SQUEEE-RAILS!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is my Sqeee-rail Tail.
Today, Sunday, a beautiful day. Every thing was falling into place, it was 7:45 and the children had just climbed out of bed, (litterally they have bunk beds) and where just starting to finish waking up. I told them that they needed to hurry because we needed to leave early for church because Grammi needed a ride. Well, just like clock work they were dressed,out the door, and in the van with seat belts on I might add. If you know the usual routine it involves me asking many times for everyone to brush hair, get dressed, get shoes on, get in the van, get in your seats etc. With beagals (mmmmmm beagals) and cream cheese and juice for them and coffee for me,(mmmmmmmmm coffeeeee) we were of to pick up Grammi. A beautiful drive with the kids,me and the vegie tales singing us off to church. We arrive to pick up Grammi right on time, however there is no time to doddle and we are off to church. Once again a lovely country drive with the vegie tales singing "Jonah was a profit and he had a job to do. Go to Ninavah and teach was the job to do....." Well despite all things going well all of a sudden there it was....The SQEEEE-RAIL! ( yes I know you think that I forgot the "u" but trust me there was no time for "u") I hit the brakes, the children hollered and Grammmi said" Oh! My!" Then there was the dreaded thump! Of course everyone looked back to see for sure the outcome of the thump and sure enough there it laid motionless. I said a quick prayer for it but could not stop as we were on our way to church. My son trying to make it all better piped up and said " Don't worry dad I think you just hit his nose." Then Grammi decided to add her input and said "Well that's country living" ( I'm not sure how that was going to make it better but at least she tried and I guess there is some truth to it.) So off we journey to church which by the way was a wonderful service, but we won't get into that now. After church the Sunday school teacher came up to me and said that my lovely daughter had volunteered me for a job. So as innocent as I am I said ok whats the job. To my amazement it was to remove the body of a poor mouse from the basement. Downstairs I go and there it was as small and cute looking ( well as cute as a dead mouse can look). Yes in some way I think that it was God's little joke and that I would have to clean up the mouse since the whole innocent Squee-rail thing on the way to church. Well we gave it a lovely send off (tossed it in a patch of lillies out in the cemetary). Well with church over and my duty completed we headed for home. On the way everyone was looking for the Squeee-rail, I don't know why but we were looking for it. To our amazment the Squeee-rail was gone! Yes gone!
I can not help but think that the poor thing is running around in circles somewhere with some sort concussion and or brain damage. I am afraid that we have started a whole epidemic and they are going to hook up and breed. We must put a stop to this the town and country Squeee-rail must never meet. The time has come we need the helmets. Please Save The SQEEE-RAILS! Yes we neeeed "u".

Amanda said...

i think if you make helmets for the squeerails you should barter for pecans... they are my favourite... don't accept acorns, that's just not good enough.