Tuesday, August 02, 2005

humiliation of Lesley MaGee

alright, I confess, I'm not the most bravest person you're likely to meet.

Last night there was a volunteer picnic and concert/ open mic thing at the Shelter Valley Site- just to start getting us pumped about the festival... as if! who's not already pumped?
It POURED rain right up till 5:27... picnic to start at 5:30, what perfect timing really. Dispite that, we (the Sheffs and I) had our picnic INSIDE the sheff homestead, then headed out to the site. Everything was nice and fresh out there, the grass smelled great... it was beautiful (for those of you who HAVEN'T been out to the site, you really need to check it out).
There were a few announcements, then some random got up on stage (random because I can't rememebr his name), then Aengus played a few tunes (Log Driver's Waltz included), then Shamus was finally cajoled into going on stage... Quinn followed and gave quite the "nearly-two-year-old" proformance... clapping and playing with thte shaker... he even climbed up on Aengus' guitar case and used it as a stage. The random came back, then Aengus, then Shamus.... I guess there weren't enough people who know how to play out in the crowd. I would have liked to have sung, but I couldn't think of one that Shamus knew how to play... so I jokingly said that I'd only sing with Aengus, and that I wanted to sing "Lately"... to which both Shamus and Mary-B jumped up and informed Aengus.....
I turned to the Sheffs and said... "well, well, looks like it's time for us to go!"
to which Aengus laughed.... and I turned bright red and said "no way"....
here's the thing... I really do want to sing with him... he's one of my favorite singer/songwriters EVER... it's even on my life list... I just didn't want to be humiliated singing around him... singing's his thing... I'm just a newbie!!! a poser!!!! I don't want to be known as "that girl who tries to sing" to him... so I said no... but the manner in which it happened... I think I've humiliated myself more.

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