Wednesday, August 17, 2005


praise God..
Today I praise God because-ey... (remember to say with a Ugandian Child's Accent... it really it so much better)
I only have a few tents left to find for the festival!
because I was given a lovely CD today.. one that may in time become a collecter's item... yes yes, rescued from the trash at the last moment, recognized for the gem that it may become, I was given a copy of David Newland's new CD... ok ok, it's a burned copy of the origianl master's copy (pre-release) WITH.... da da DA! the songs in the wrong order... if you're nice to me... I just might let you listen to it.
I'm not losing it........ that WAS Valdy in the coffee shop yesterday.... (alright.. so I really only recognized his suspenders... saw them, thought "gee, those look like Valdy's suspenders" then looked again at the wearer and said hello, recieved his crinkley eyed smile and dicided it was in fact him... went outside, announced my discovery and was then told (in not so many words) "toot toot, you're riding the crack train".)


L.Bo Marie said...

What's this???? you're not even going to ask who gave me the CD??? WHAT!!!!
I'm bursting to tell you.. but now I refuse.

L.Bo Marie said...

nope... not getting it out of me