Tuesday, September 13, 2005

point and click::freeze frame

there are times in life where I often want to press a magic button and freeze the moment. Those moments where things are just good.
I'm blessed in that I get to experience a lot of those moments. Or maybe I'm blessed in that I'm allowed the moment to perceive those moments? Whatever. Either way, today I wanted to stop time on five occasions. But, if I'd done that... then I probably wouldn't have experienced all of them... *sigh* this isn't suppose to be confusing.
1) I got a phone call from a good friend and got to catch up
2) On my walk- clear headed rhythm that comes with your feet moving and your arms swinging and no pressing matters to attend to.
3) On my walk- the beach was near empty, the water cool... I walked up and down it a few times in the water singing praise
4) While casing the Marina for picnic tables (I'd heard rumor that they stored the town's old tables there- SVFF may be over for this year, but I'm starting my sourcing for next.) I found the Cobourg Ecology garden- didn't know we had one... So, I spent ten mins or so wandering in the cool shade.
5) After my morning visit to the Bean, walking home I saw a spider spinning it's web. pretty cool thing to watch.

I like those few mornings were I don't have to be anywhere.

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