Friday, September 09, 2005

the state of my being

my face is asleep.
my arms don't work.
my back is broken.
i have strange bruises covering most of my body.
i can't seem to complete sentences.
and i can't figure out what day it is.

welcome to SVFF withdrawal.

::side note, guess you might have noticed the picture thing in the side bar by now... some are pretty old (yikes! can you believe that Togo was a year ago?????) I'm going to try to add one or two new pictures each week, so every once in awhile... check them out.
:::: side note to my side note, can you guess which is my favorite t-shirt? LOL!!! hey Meg, even the "lesley sweater" made it into the mix a few times.


Amanda said...

hey boi we need a pic of the f'in poncho... can you hook me up?

L.Bo Marie said...

noooo, you may not have a picture of my beautiful 97% recycled materials sweater. you will only mock it.