Friday, September 30, 2005

which side is the right side?

Growing up... if I'd wake up too early, my parents would tell me to "roll over and go back to sleep". People always ask if you've "gotten up on the wrong side of the bed" if you appear grumpy in the morning.
I had lots of bad dreams growing up... mostly about giants chasing me down the street... having to hide in the bushes to avoid giant detection... giants wanting to eat me and the neigbours... hiding under the truck because my sister had locked the front door and a giant wanted to smush me. There were some about giant caterpillars, some about giant sized stingrays...
the other night one of the giants came back... I had been cleaning a giant sized fish tank, when all sorts of things started to go wrong.. eventually I broke the neck of one person, and superman carried away the rest of the bad guys... but later, after super had left, I walked outside into the yard, and there was a man sneaking around the corner, gun in hand... I knew he wanted vengeance for the girl who's neck I'd snapped... I ran inside, only to discover my house was made of cardboard (not much to deflect the bullets) and the windows were floor to ceiling-saran wrap. The sheer terror that gripped me... I was sweating when I woke up... the only reason I woke up though was because I was screaming in panic for superman...

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