Sunday, October 21, 2007

part 2 (read the previous post first)

so, Friday morning was the second morning of my new schedual. Thursday morning I'd shown up early partly to get the extra paper work done... partly because I forgot I was suppose to start later....
Friday morning I started early (as per my new schedual thank-you-very-much!) I rushed thru my paper work (as the network was up and running)

and wrote the wrong date on everything apparently.

After I'd been at work for 30 mins, I signed myself out and hopped into my car to head to Colborne... like I do every Friday.
I got partway down street and turned on the radio.
But there was something wrong.
My radio program wasn't on.
Not only that... but there was something else wrong....
I had started my new schedual.... and was leaving an hour too early.

I turned the car around and went back to work.

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