Tuesday, January 08, 2008

a regular bake off!

The other day I was out with a friend I hadn't seen in ... two years? (Maybe less... I catch him every time he comes to Ontario... I'll check the archives later...) Anyway, we were out for coffee catching up, then went to wander the mall in the Petes. This friend and I worked together in the drop in centre for a few years, worked most shifts together and often got called on to run an errand or two together... he's a great guy and I've missed him since he's moved out west. He has this.... endearing way of saying "aaaawwww, muffin!", that's kinda catchy, and over time, he became known (at least in my mind) as Muffin.
When I moved back to this area I met another guy by the same first name, and over time, I started calling him Muffin too... it seemed only natural.

Muffin the original and I are wandering the mall, chatting away, when we round a corner... and there... standing before us .... is Muffin number two.

Have you ever had your worlds collide? I'm talking about the left hand meeting the right hand... ok, maybe not so drastic... Friends from one part of your life meeting the friends from another part of your life...
Thankfully I'm pretty much the same person no matter where I am... True enough I'm a little more mature where work is concerned, but other than that, I'm me. When those worlds collide... sometimes you're just left.... stunned. And confused.

It was then that I had to break it to the Muffins that they weren't all that special after all... they shared a name with someone else...

I watched number two eye number one ... "you mean I'm not the original Muffin??!" (slightly shocked... slightly amused)

"it's like a regular bake shop out here today"

1 comment:

Crilly said...

I was caught in a three-way world collision once. It was weird.
Very weird.