Saturday, January 05, 2008

it just figures

As mentioned, there are boxes everywhere... the move is just days away.
With all this moving prep, I must forewarn, there's going to be a bit of a break in the blogging... which positively kills me.
This is my sanity.
I was just checking in on my stats page... just slowly pulling back out of a slow decline in readers... facebook ate my stats.
Stop reading this thru facebook! (Mind you I'm not going to discontinue the importing)

Ok, so the other night I'm headed over to help out with the Sr.High group that I volunteer with. I wasn't totally sure if we'd started back up again, or if we were following the school calendar and taking another week off. I pulled into the parking lot and all was dim- on the off chance that my car's clock was broken and I was just really early, I decided to call another leader's home and ask her. Her husband answered the phone.
Let me stop for a moment to give a disclaimer... This husband has appeared on my blog before in story... but a few weeks ago he told me he was almost leery of talking to me anymore for fear that whatever was going on would end up here... in blog land... I've been really good since then to NOT share any of his stories, though for some reason, he's always made his way into some bizarre happenstance... and it kills me not to share. SO, from this point on he will be "he who goes unnamed". ... "he who goes unnamed" is a lot of typing... so for short, let's call him...
~back to the story
The phone rings and rings, and just as I'm finding the button to hang up I hear a rushed " 'lo?" So I put the phone to my ear, laugh for a second and start to talk to him.
~another tangent
Last time I talked to him, he thought I was someone else... so this time I'd determined that if he answered, I was going to tell him it was me up front to avoid confusion. However, in my distraction of trying to hang up, I forgot...
~back to the story
Jason says to me "hey! how are you doing? You're looking for G.I.netty?" (his wife) To which I reply... well, I guess not, if she's there, I guess that answers my question. I was calling to see if House was running tonight "(house being the SR.High group). "If she's there... I guess I don't need to be at the church." He laughs and we start a conversation about random things.. the conversation eventually turns to Wii games.
I love my Wii.
Jason borrowed a Wii system for the Christmas break, and discovered that it lacked one part... the conversation continued...
J: "I broke into your house the other day... did your family tell you?"
J: "I broke into your house the other day to find a part for the Wii... but I couldn't find it."
Me: "I lent my Wii to the Sheffs"
J: "You DID? When?"
Me: "uh... sometime before Christmas"
J: "oh.. ok"
The conversation continues... wanders to some other topic for a few MINUTES, then suddenly halts.
J: "I'm not talking to Sue... am I?"
"Uh... no"

I think my favourite part is that we both were so incredibly confused that we just acted like we knew what the other was talking about... and kept on going.

1 comment:

megsheff said...

I am heartbroken that I must have left town before the Wii arrived. I still haven't played one yet. I'll have to crash the tiny yellow house.