Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We have SNOW.
Because it was the first snowfall of the season, most surfaces aren't already coated in a frosting of salt. Instead, there's quite a bit of ice around. 
And it's COLD.

I'd warmed up my car in the morning a little by driving from job 1 to home, then off to job 2. But I'd trudged thru the snow, and my shoes were wet. They've got pretty deep grooves in them, so they hold a lot of moisture. 

I got out of my car, and was standing beside a vehicle waiting for the person to get out, when I noticed... my shoes were frozen to the ground!!!!
Not frozen like "I'm stuck here till spring" but more like "my shoes are in bubble gum".

I hate cold.


Crilly said...

But without it, you wouldn't have an excuse to bundle up in warm comfy clothes, hands wrapped around a steaming cup of hot chocolate with mini marshmellows melting on top and a good book / cd / movie distracting your attention.

L.Bo Marie said...

oooOOOooo... good point Crilly!