Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the great eternal mystery.

have any clue what that is?
That's me.. after I've finished my laundry. I own a number of pairs of socks and underwear. It all stems from living in an apartment that didn't have laundry facilities ... and having a lifestyle that didn't fit sitting around in a laundromat for hours on end... at least, not often!
So... I can go a few weeks without doing laundry.
This picture shows what happens when you put off doing laundry- and allow yourself to wear mismatching socks when you don't take the time to wash everything at the same time....
yeah... 14 socks with no mates.
not cool.


Percipia said...

So... Who says they have to match?

Nursedude said...

Sad. Sometimes the only way you know who's in charge is by who has the keys and how they're dressed. Take away the matching socks and you're one set of missing keys away from committal. ND

Mark said...

Those socks look fresh out of the dryer. I miss socks fresh out of the dryer.

Anonymous said...

LOL, I am killing time waiting to go pick Tim up from a photo shoot, and have only been to your blog once or twice. I am finding this all quite entertaining Lesley, and I must mention to you that it only gets worse when you add kids to the mix. Try half a laundry basket full of unmatched socks, which are only about 6 inches long, I find it easier to buy new ones! lol
