Monday, April 03, 2006

great expectation... waiting!

it's true folks, just six more posts after this one and we'll have hit the grand numero four hundred! wow.. I need to get a life.

untill that happens, let's play a game bloggers.... take your age.... find that post number (example, I'm traveling back in time and I'm now 23 years old... so I'm looking up post number 23) then take the month of the year we're in so it's um.. April, sooooo, 4th month... then look up the fourth sentence in your post..... let's post the sentence.....

right now the details are kinda sketchy, but if it falls through I’ll be
going to (North West) Benin instead to stay in an Anii Village with a family who
do oral narrative translations, they are going through the bible in
chronological order, starting with Genesis and sharing the bible stories with a
people group who hold oral tradition way above anything written...

it appears I like run-on sentances.

ok, your turn... go and do likewise.

(now I'm kinda curious as to what's on in my real aged post....)
I’m now living about a 15 min walk from the SIL center in a funny little
compound (you have to go outside to reach the kitchen) with Barb.


T said...

mine's kinda boring...but its true:

Hopefully the rest of the weekend will be nice and sunny. Gonna try to fit some time on the golf course...

Nixie's Mom said...

Yep - that was funny! Apparently I was quoting this....

"Whose grave is this? Ask me, I know it."
(Stanzas of the Graves, 9th Century Welsh, anonymous)

We did this as a game with youth group a while back and asked each person to grab one book from the church library and read a respective page, line. It was funny - especially since one young guy pick up a book about Sex and Christian youth....

Anonymous said...

Mine is the same as yurs. Next time.. Go back in time to a different age! ;)


Fallen said...

Apparently mine was about new years... and all the changes I was looking forward to. And the 4th sentence was me quoting Semisonic, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."