Tuesday, January 09, 2007

how fast can I walk to lose him?

Have you ever been in a confined space with someone and wished and hoped and prayed to get out of that space as quickly as possible?
Has that space ever been someone's vehicle?
Has that person ever been a talker?
Has that talker, in the first portion of your 60 ride not allowed you to finish one complete thought without jumping in and talking non-stop?
Left you wondering just how many words one can say without taking a breath?
Has that talker talked about them self the entire trip?
Has that talker talked for so long on the return trip without you even trying to add a comment that they notice after 30 minutes?
Has that talker asked you to share your story, only to be interrupted one minute and twenty seven seconds into your story?
Have you ever kept track on your watch how long a talker will let you talk?
Have you ever listened to endless details about something you know nothing about nor care nothing about?
Have you ever watched in horror as the gas needle slips below empty in the talker's vehicle?
Have you ever planted your feet on the floor of a vehicle in hopes that you'll feel the early chugging of an engine without fuel... so you can RUN from the vehicle as fast as you can when it dies?
Have you ever spent that last fifteen minutes of a ride praying for a safe driver to take up speeding?
sometimes that stuff happens.


Crilly said...

Ouch, my friend. Ouch.

megsheff said...

this is terrifying.

Lindsay said...

That's crazy! I'm so curious to hear the whole story!!
Where were you going?