Sunday, July 20, 2008

The second "break in".. where "second" means the Third.

Ok, quick recap... Last Saturday night, my car was broken into (use the term "broken" loosely, as I don't lock my car... as there's nothing in it that they want... remember that very first time?)

The boys involved were found- as my neighbour is a detective/super sleuth , but nothing happened with the cops... well, because this is the 'Burg.

LAST night.. Yes, one week later.. Babykate comes to my door and asks if I know that my car's gas tank is open. Thinking she means just the door, I go out to close it.... and find that.. no, the gas cap is off too- not just an open door. 
My first thought is the kids have come back- who wouldn't? It's a small town, they know how they were found out- they feel like they need to do some pay back. That's my first thought. So, I turn to Babykate and say "I'm going to call and report this in case it's related".
As I start to walk back to the house, I see an officer at the end of the street talking to the Uncle - the Uncle of the kid from last week.... So, I decide to walk down there instead. I walk down and say "excuse me, when your done can I speak to you?" The officer says no. 
... and then tells me to go to the station instead. 
Doesn't ask me anything else... doesn't check to see if maybe what I want to say is related.
So, I walk to the station... because at this point, I'm halfway there... yeah... I live a little more than a block from the police station. Did I mention that the kid lives above a security company? 

I walk to the station.... and as I'm walking there, I pass the front of the building... standing at the front is the kid. The kid looks at me... then starts to laugh AT me. I don't even bother to say anything to him... I'm sure at this point he has something to do with my open gas tank. Two more police cars pull up as we walk past.

I sit for 45 mins in the front of the station, waiting for a cop... there are no chairs, they close the waiting room. I sit on the step. Babykate goes to meet the others for dinner (right... that's where we were headed before we were side tracked by the car issue). Officer comes, takes my statement.... It's now two hours later. The kid is in custody, I've missed dinner. I'm grumpy. 
AND now I have to get my car towed.
I'm not starting it in case they've put something in the tank. It's not worth having to pay for the engine to get fixed if they have put anything in there.
Life is complicated.

ok, this story is getting long... there's a lot more to write... including the part where I called the real estate agent and BLASTED her on the phone. (I will not be apologising.... I'm still convincing myself not to call her back... she was very much in the wrong.)

so, short version... I went for my walk/run later in the evening...  and who do we pass? That's right.... the kid. He's out of custody, and standing on a corner loudly and drunkenly telling some guy about the cop that hit him in the head. 


Anonymous said...

good for you for still doing your walk/run after all that crap

i would have preferred a diet coke and oh, cheeze its! sheesh

Deb Cushman said...

We're feeling for you. Must be mighty frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a sad thing that to get our local police to do their jobs takes so much persuasion? I would much rather deal with OPP or Port Hope police services. They're way more professional.

Nixie's Mom said...

oh lesley. :( I'm not sure it has to do with small town -as much as with the 'Burg. Out here we know most of our police officers (including one neighbour - and one girl who was part of our youth group)... this comes in handy. Hope your car is okay!

Northumberland Independent said...

Cobourg has had a long reputation of the police force sometimes being difficult to deal with.

I think what shocked me the most from what I read was the officer who said "no" to you. All you did was ask to speak to him a moment. Maybe it could have been something quite serious. Very unprofessional.

Percipia said...

I'm so sorry, lady. I can feel the injustice between my shoulderblades.

If it's any comfort, a couple of weeks ago, one of our neighbours had a huge loud party late into the night. One of the others in the 'hood called the cops 5 times to complain and nobody ever came. Finally, he complained about the humungous fire in their backyard.

The cop told him there was no by-law governing that. So our neighbour read the by-law to the cop over the phone from a website. Asked him to enforce it. Nobody came.

L.Bo Marie said...

@ Ruth... hmmm, can we send these stories to the paper? just for fun?