Saturday, December 03, 2005

Random (or) you've been tagged

So my Roomie has tagged me and a few others to give ten random facts about ourselves... *whew* it's pretty hard.. I don't want to be copying the same themes that others have been using! SO... without further ado

1) I don't type with my pinkie fingers except to hit the " enter" or left "shift" button... and the letter "a" ...

2) The first cassette I ever bought with my own money was Paula Abdul... "Forever your Girl". I still can sing most of the songs.

3) I've never had a real "date". I decided when I was 14 I wouldn't date till I was 18... then never found someone I liked enough... wait.. no, I've found some I've liked.. but the timing or circumstances weren't in favour.

4) I've lost 4 baby teeth while visiting pioneer villages... not at the same time... one each visit.

5) Sometimes when I'm driving and I see someone else singing in their car, I'll scan the radio stations to see if I can find what their listening to... so that I can sing with them.

6) I talk in my sleep ... alot.

7) I can blow smoke rings (thank you campfires!), I've never smoked a cigarette... but sometimes I want to steal them from other people when I pass them smoking on the street and take a drag.

8) Every past roommate I've had has gotten married.

9) I won a reading competition in Grade 3 for reading the most books in a month. I got to eat lunch at McDonalds with a "famous" author as my prize... I remember that I had a cheeseburger happy meal with extra pickles, but I don't remember the name of the author.

10) I like the smell of horse farts.

so now I get to tag YOU!
and you get to tag a few others....

Joey Goodwin.
David Newland.
Roy Hopkins.
Manda Owen.
Titus Lam.

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