I've asked for a pony for Christmas countless times.
I've had two in my life, one was given to me (to use) and the other I paid for (when I should have been buying textbooks).
I need another.
Because when you dish money out for your horse, at least it loves you in return... not like my car. My car shows me no love.
I prayed my car into the parking space at Canadian Tire this afternoon.
Last night, my battery light came on... in G-Town. Scary. I prayed it home. Then I prayed it to work last night, then prayed it home this morning... and prayed it back to work. Really and truly, it should not have gone as far as it did, but I had no choice, working two jobs demands it.
I left the office with the dashboard lights fading, I got to the halfway point and the ABS light came on.... I pulled into the parking lot and my air bag light lit.... I pulled into a parking space AS the car stalled.
Yes, it was the alternator, yes, the battery died too, and yes, the brakes went crazy as I left the repair shop... and yes, my radio is no longer functioning.
thankfully, they took my car back and fixed the brakes (snow caused it to seize.. meaning the ABS were stuck on) without a charge... (car repair lady is hero of the week) but they don't have the code for my radio... so I have to try to get that from the dealer tomorrow.
I stood in Crappy Tire and tried my very best not to cry.
well... I guess it's a good thing that I have two jobs.
I still think cars are cheaper and easier than horses!!!!!!!
But ... you did have a bad day there.
OMG Ponies!!!!1!!
Really, you've had two ponies?
Cars suck. I look forward to the day when gas is a bazillion dollars and we get to go back to horse-assisted commerce. And ox-assisted, and mule-assisted, and donkey-assisted...
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