Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday Bunday

a little slow moving today... sorry about that.
Work decided to take over my life today, then a board meeting ate the remains.
that's not totally true, a visit from Megsheff made it brighter.

Bunday Monday is on hiatus for today... maybe we'll make it Tailio Tuesday?

'Touf was feeling a little under the weather this past weekend... but he made it thru just fine, Rabbit Guy, that pineapple juice trick really works wonders! (Now I just have to figure out how to get it in him a little easier) He was up to 14 pounds last week... back down to 13 after the weekend. Though, the way he was tucking into that pile of food when I left the house, I'm sure he'll be back up in no time.

It's warming up, and I think I'll start hardening off my seedlings at the end of this week... I found a store with some pretty cheap planters today... but I'm not sure if I want to look some more.. if we're moving I want to be able to take my garden with me and not have it fall apart when I try to lift it!

1 comment:

RG said...

Yow .. 14 lbs of "under the weather" is a lot of pineapple juice! Glad it helped ...

No seedlings outside here .. be another 2 weeks or more :<(