Saturday, April 19, 2008


I feel human again.
well.. like a human with a sunburn anyway.

What a perfect August day.... errr. April?

There was much love and community happening in the 'hood today, pictures and story coming soon. I need to jump into that towering bed of mine.


RG said...

What is sun? What is sunburn? What is plants growing? Send help ....

ilex said...

Heh, I have a sunburn, too. What is it with us northern gardeners who spend the whole freaking day outside on the first good day there is? I swear I can actually feel my body using the vitamin D and patching up the chinks in my bones from the prior 6 months indoors... and my cuticles are a mess again! Yay!

Lisa Ens said...

*sigh* Do you want to send some of that weather out way? It's been super windy and snowing here since Friday. =P SO not nice!