Wednesday, August 13, 2008

chop chop

in celebration of the lock box coming off the front door (finally- I've had an open wound on my hand from whacking it going into the house) and the sale sign being removed.... we had a garden party last night.
wait.. no we didn't...
we attacked the garden, realizing that if the landlords hadn't bothered the entire time the house was on the market- they sure as heck weren't going to now that it was off the market.

Needless to say- it's nearly presentable.
Needless to say- the bushes can be seen past.
Needless to say- There is a HUGE pile of brush to be disposed of.
Needless to say- I'm covered in scratches.
FNT (Friendly Neighbour Tom) is the best thing EVER.

ummmm... I guess if I felt the need to write them down.... they weren't really "needless to say".


Deb Cushman said...

But, Needless to say -- they are now said! That's a lot of work. Sounds like you need a break.

RG said...

Needles to say too, now go ahead and clean up inside too!!!

or just


(Hug a rabbit or two!)