Saturday, August 09, 2008

one track mind

Ok, sometimes... I don't pay attention to what's going on around me while I'm doing something... I mean, I'm attentive- I'm just not good with details while I'm getting something done... Because I'm pretty focused on finishing it.
Case in point this evening::

I'm pretty sure the roommate is going to kick me out.

I started to shred paper for one of the worm bins. (Yes, I said bins... remember when I started one? and then the one turned into four? and now it's five?) Anyway, I'd just gotten a bucket of compost for one of the bins. I haven't been home much in the past two weeks, so the amount of organic matter (OM) has been minimal- and this new bin eats A LOT. So, I'd gotten a pile of compost, and I wanted to cover it with some extra shredded paper to cut down on the likelihood of fruit flies- So I started shredding and I had the bin in the kitchen with me so I could add water to the paper and pop it into the bin.
So that's what I did.
And then I realized that WHILE I'd been shredding, my roommate, whom I'd been chatting with while I worked, was making her sandwich- on the counter beside the bin.
The OPEN worm bin.
You know... the worm bin full of WORMS.
And I'd just plopped it there beside her sandwich and was working away, oblivious to the suddenly cold looks coming my way.
'Cause I'm a little slow that way.

For the record:: I noticed my error and was horrified by my own actions. 
Also for the record:: I always wipe the counter with disinfectant afterwards... so you can still come eat at my house.


Anonymous said...

If I were a worm and was reading this, I'd feel slighted.

Deb Cushman said...

I think we all have those kind of moments!

Northumberland Independent said...

I really want to see your worm setup.