Sunday, January 04, 2009


this year seems to be bringing with it new ideas.
this one's been brewing for a bit. stewing.
mmm, stew. 

I've been able to give away some worms to some people, helping them to get set up to do their own vermicomposting. Very exciting! I also harvested my first bin and a half of castings. lovely lovely dirt.
Dirt that I have no real use for.. because this year I had to admit that I'm the worst gardener ever. 

BUT. worms... worms I'm good with. They like it when they get ignored. neglected.
SO. I'd been playing around with the idea of doing something this coming summer with wormy things. starter kits possibly. (which means I have to start feeding those wormies so they muliply) and worm tea bags. tied up with raffia. people will buy anything tied up with raffia. even shit in a bag.
it's true.

and, I've become a little addicted to these slippers that I've been making- I made 7 pairs for Christmas gifts, and it's kind of all consuming now. soooo, maybe I could be selling them too. I'd only want to (only be able to) do the market every other weekend.. so it wouldn't be too crazy. Maybe I can share a booth with a friend. who knows.
mostly I'm in idea stages.

name ideas?
current favourites include :: worms and warm, wormns, dirty feet, growing toes

got any to add?


Percipia said...

cosy wiggles? could work if you fill the slippers with worms.

RG said...

Oh boy, a name. Let's see .. I better get DMOLL from the Qi Papers in on this .. we tried to get that Detroit condo gardner set up with a name for her worms and pickles business but I don't think it worked.

Maybe you need a third product that sort of does the smoother transition .. sort of morphs from worms to slippers ... maybe some of these little wind-up feet that walk all over the table top! Put little slippers on them.

Gotta go think some more ...

ilex said...

I heard from RG that you were on the worm-sellin' route. You've come far, and fast! Rock on.

Yes indeed, worms do love to be neglected. It's why I'm pretty good with them, too.