Friday, January 23, 2009

Reason #2

Reason #2, why my Roommate should hate me.

I shed.

**what's really going on here? Pontouff Pony had grown this giant hairy matt on both sides of his tail after his last moult... starting into a random moult (not sure why he's having another this winter) and his tail was twice it's normal size... I put him on the couch and tried to hold him in a head lock- it didn't work so well. He's too big for a head lock- and still be able to reach his tail... so it ended up being a big bear hug around his middle.. with lots of squirming.
in the end... his tail looks normal again.
in the end.

1 comment:

RG said...

Whoa ... that boy had BIG tail!! Good job trimming and NO blood...