Wednesday, January 07, 2009

the perks

I got a coffee maker for Christmas from the roomie. I've never owned my own... the very best part of it? it's got a clock... and you can set it to turn on before you wake up. 
I think that's a big deal.
I can set it on work mornings, so that when I get home from work- before I dash out the door to the other job- I can grab a cuppa.... and not worry about waiting at the bean for someone to take my money.... and then end up being late... 

This makes me happy.

"Even happier" though - came at work while I was telling a co-worker about my new joy. As I was telling my story, one of the individuals we support (an older woman) clued into the conversation... sort of.

me: " so now, when I wake up... my coffee is ready for me! (sigh)" (well.. the sigh was more of a swoon)
she: "oh? you finally got the boyfriend trained?"

That's right. I'm taken.


Anonymous said...

If you don't already have one, you can get reuseable mesh filters at CT for like 6.99.
I just had my first cup from my new machine too.

L.Bo Marie said...

I got one the other night... I have yet to open it... but the intent is there ;)

Nursedude said...

Now you have to get hooked on grinding your own beans. Cathy loves Kicking Horse Kick Ass Coffee (fair trade and avail at A&P here in the 'burg)

RG said...

Don't forget to put the carafe under!

Hee Hee ... now, for several days, you will leap up at work and say "... OMG did I really stick it under there???"

Anonymous said...

mmm. fresh ground kicking ass coffee is good stuff. :) too bad the burg has icky water. :(