Saturday, December 01, 2012

Fun things

So there are a few fun things in the works, the big one- Christmas in the park opens tonight. Here's a teaser video shot last week- I'm the one forgetting what line we're singing then rolling my eyes at myself...

The other thing is a little online endeavor, I've been sewing under the name "Bad Bunny" for about a year now... you can probably guess why- this week he chewed the phone recharger- he's not generally a chewer. This was a new trick, along with that other new trick where he goes up on the kitchen table and pushes everything off of it? Ya.

Anyway, I'm trying to be a little more proactive in "selling myself" and the things I make. Soooo, I bought a domain name. I haven't paid for it to be hosted anywhere yet, so currently there's a simple free page that came with the domain purchase. For now it's a start. A big one for me.

Bad Bunny Fibre Arts can be found here


Heather said...

Yay for proactivity!!!

DavidS said...

Congrats, Lesley!