Wednesday, February 29, 2012


leap year
leaping into festival
leaping into new thoughts and attitudes

Last night was an Operating Committee night for the Shelter Valley Folk Festival... There are days that I dread going to these meetings. Just... well, it's a meeting, in a board room, talking teadious details through in order to get everything in order to pull off a huge event. There's always a voice or two or three that don't mesh well sitting around any table like that- and I hate conflict. But last night was great. We've been starting the meetings reading from "the virtues project", and it really puts everyone in a space where we're better able to listen, better able to respect.

I feel like I'm ready to sit down and get some work done- it's going to be ok- and we're all on the same team.

Drat those pheromones though.

1 comment:

Mama Nev said...

We use the virtues project in our program "Kindergarten Foundations" and the amazing part is that in day to day communication with the children it's much easier to find yourself accentuating the positive!

Its good for us to practice with each other! :o)