Another random youth story.. but first, some house keeping.
- Pontouf Pony has achieved full litter box training! yeah! no more Bunny beans on the floor (except those he inadvertently kicks out of the box when he leaps for joy).
-41 hits today, none of them are labeled as searches for "bum sex". soooooo... I don't know what that's about. (4 were for "fuzzy tongue" again).
-Fantastic concert tonight, no songs dedicated to moi, but my request was granted. PLEASE check out
Nathan Rogers, (son of the late great Stan Rogers) you won't regret it.
all of you.
- Bulk barn has their "petite eggs" on sale (not to be confused with mini eggs) I have eaten far too many of them this week... and plan on continuing until they run out for the season. Thankfully Easter is soon.
-I can barely lift my arm.... I did the time warp entirely too many times today. Ok, it's the "hunch-back arm toss" thing that's done me in.
Right right, story time.
So, I'm with the youth the other night, and there's a group of the girls sitting with me, talking about random issues and food preferences. One of them pipes up....
Girly:: I'm a vegan
Me:: really? but... (quizzical look)
Girly:: I'm a vegan
Me:: you don't eat meat and meat products? What are your thoughts on leather?
Girly:: huh?
Me:: do you wear leather? (looking at her boots)
Girly:: NO! I'm against leather.
Me:: Well... aren't your boots leather?
Girly:: no, no... (checking tag) see, it says here they are suede.
Me:: Oh..... so no meat products?
Girly:: well, I don't eat much meat.
Me:: uh, I think Vegan means you don't eat meat or meat products....
Girly:: oh.... what is it when you can't drink milk?
Me:: lactose intolerant?
Girly:: yeah, that sounds right.